Energy Saved = Money Saved : Fans are Low-Hanging-Fruit
Savings equals the difference between one’s traditional and the improved energy consumption. To calculate the Money savings, the difference in wattage is multiplied by hrs of usage and the Electricity Unit rate. After Electric Bulbs, the fans are considered the easiest to target for obtaining energy savings and measure savings calculation through Deemed Savings method. This article elucidates this fact.

Fans are integral part of our daily life whether it is used at household, institutions, commercial or for industrial applications. Here we are talking about ceiling, wall mounted or pedestal fans with the purpose of air circulation in an environment for human comfort, machine or materials cooling. These fans get used for a few hours or most of the hours in a day depending on purposes for which it is used.
Usually we do not consider it as an energy intensive appliance / drive barring some high capacity industrial application fans. But if the number of Fans as well as hours of usages in a day both are large in any case the calculated energy consumption looks considerable and so the savings potential.
This can better be explained by easy examples like as below: –

The monetary savings amount or avoidance of unnecessary expenditure whatever said is possible easily like replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs as we all are familiar with.
So, more the traditional fans are replaced with improved ones more savings are possible to quantify. This also means your backup power generation whether DG or Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) could handle more fans at a time.
The improved fans in question are BLDC motor driven fans with some blade design modification. Traditional fans use Induction motors but improved fans use Brushless DC Motor (BLDC Motor) the later generate same or more air delivery with less energy consumption. As they eliminate losses due to the mechanical friction of the brushes, less maintenances are needed in these fans and so more life of the fans getsavailable. If we jot down the advantages of BLDC fans: –
- No speed variation with Voltage variation
- Higher number of fans can be used by a backup generator
- Less noise generation
- Low maintenance
- Harmonics within the acceptance limit
- Light weight helps easy installation
So, getting reduced electricity bill next time is easy now and you do not need to be an Energy management expert for that. Just replace the traditional fans with BLDC fans in your home, hospital, office, schools, colleges, or industries and calculate savings in the form of both energy and money. Team YoUDIt is always there to help you.