Path to Energy Independence through Local Support Services
On 15th August 1947, India was declared as a free country by enacting Indian Independence Act 1947 as passed by the United Kingdom Parliament. The nation will be 73 yrs old this 15th Aug 2020 after independence and it needs to be active in all front to become a strong and resourceful nation. But the question arises if it is possible without being Energy Independent.
Post COVID, the whole world is emphasising on the Green Economy and building back better. We cannot think of any sustainable progress without the availability, affordability, reliability and environment friendliness of energy.For example, the usage of Solar PV Energy needs to be utilised as much as possible being one of the cleanest forms of energy, easy to make available anywhere at shortest possible time with customization and this article will restrict itself discussing on the role of Solar PV Energytowards moving to the path of the Energy Independence.
The Solar PV Energy is being utilised as the most reliable, economical and clean form of energy in the DRE (distributed renewable energy) sector across the applications like Irrigation, drinking water, residential lighting, operating livelihood enterprises, rural banks, offices and other similar applications. These adjectiveson Solar PV Energy are being mentioned while comparing it with conventional forms of energy sources like coal based, DG based electricity, etc.
It has been observed that all these Solar PV systems are not only contributing immensely to therespective application requirements but also local job creation, creating new business opportunities and economic development of the nation. But we need to be aware about the other side of the story as well which is the waste it can generate and the type of on-site services it demands. We need to be independent from these aspects as well.
From the waste treatment point of view, both Solar PV panels and batteries( irrespective of either made of lead Acid or Li -Ion) have definite life and post that both need to be replaced and thereby the old systems need to be taken through waste management processes ensuring maximum recycling possible of the materials and thereby recycling or repurposing to avoid any pollution.
Again, although all these Solar PV systems seem maintenance free but it needs repairing, maintenance, spare parts supply,regular testing, data collection, optimization of the load requirements through Energy Efficiency as well as Installation and Commissioning support services. It is always best if we can have locally trained workforce to undertake these activities as a Local Solar Entrepreneur and this has been understood as a very important area of the DRE sector requirements during the COVID time.Also,it has the potential to make the services economical with quick response time.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the most of the DRE corporates were facing problem to serve their clients because of the travel restrictions. YoUDIt Approaches ( )with its existing Local Solar Entrepreneur/Team YoUDIt partners across India serviced some of them successfully.And, it has been an immense help to the system suppliers as well as users.

So, it is a fact that Solar PV has potential to make the Nation Energy Independent but we cannot have that without strengthening the on-site support services network in place always like Team YoUDIt.
Energy, is an essential part for live, even fly and plant having own power generation systems. It’s God made technology.
Our efforts add-on substitute the technology to help God by developing from alternative sources, so think for development not for destroy.
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